A law that chills free speech would harm all of us

A law that chills free speech would harm all of us

By Benjamin Causey Any law that limits the First Amendment’s expressive freedoms harms every citizen, regardless of their political beliefs or ideologies. Senate Bill 171 would be one of those harmful laws. It takes Georgia’s “unlawful assembly” law and weaponizes it,...
Lawmakers have a dangerous plan for curbing free speech

Lawmakers have a dangerous plan for curbing free speech

By Nora Benavidez Beware Georgians. Senate Bill 171 is a threat to anyone in the state who wants to speak up for what they believe in. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution clearly lays out that Congress shall make no law abridging or limiting our right to...
High court secures free speech protections in Georgia

High court secures free speech protections in Georgia

In a court victory with First Amendment implications, the Supreme Court of Georgia has ruled that the state’s anti-SLAPP statute protects a speaker from being sued for defamation for criticizing a public official, unless the speaker was aware their statements were...